Housing Stability Assistance

Are you facing a foreclosure? NKCDC’s Housing Counselors are assisting renters and homeowners with up to $3,500 in assistance for an eviction, and up to $5,000 in assistance for a foreclosure.

Eligibility for assistance:

  • Must be late on mortgage/rent from 30 days to 60 days.
  • Live within any zones of the map below.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to make next month’s rent.
  • Landlord must have a current Rental License and Rental Suitability forms.
  • Landlord must complete landlord verification and W-9.

Find out if you qualify

Start typing your home address in the field below, select your address when it appears in the dropdown menu.

The map will display your address and let you know if you live within the boundaries to qualify for eviction and foreclosure prevention assistance and home repair grants. 

The address you entered qualifies for Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention assistance.

Eviction and foreclosure assistance is available for zones 1-4 at this time. To find out if you are eligible for eviction or foreclosure assistance, please fill out the screening form here.

For home repair grants, Impact Services will give applications to the first 100 eligible homeowners at the designated housing resource events by zone.

Reach out to cperez@impactservices.org for any questions regarding the home repair grants.


Zone 1 | Shown in YELLOW 

Scanlon Rec Center  

1099 E. Venago Street 

Saturday, February 10th 12-2pm 


Zone 2 | Shown in BLUE 

Heitzman Rec Center  

3631 Amber Street 

Saturday, February 24th 12 to 2PM 


Zone 3 | Shown in RED 

The Mill Building  

118 E. Indiana Avenue 

Saturday, March 2nd 12 to 2PM 


Zone 4 | Shown in GREEN 


2771 Ruth Street 

Saturday, March 9th 12 to 2PM 



You do not qualify for this assistance at this time.

Please complete the form below to submit your name, email, phone number, address, and the assistance you are looking for and a NKCDC housing counselor will reach out to you to see how we can assist.




For questions about the eviction and foreclosure prevention assistance, please reach out to housingstability@nkcdc.org.

For questions about home repair grants, please reach out to cperez@impactservices.org.