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Author’s Presentation TRACKS THROUGH OUR LIVES – Stories told on Philly El Trains

Author book event by the author presenting his book which is available in any Philadelphia Library e.g. Fishtown Library

Stories Told on Philly El Trains.

When the book was published and I began receiving endorsements like Philadelphia’s famous Northeast Catholic High School Alumni Association, and I conducted a genuine author’s night at the Gray Lodge Tavern in Northeast Philly to a packed audience, I knew my book had arrived at part of its destiny, the local market. Key reviews have stated that there is also a global market for this urban storytelling.
TRACKS was soon added to many library systems and being very favorable reviewed by experts.
Commentary came in from the following-
The Rising Sun Times, Northeast Philadelphia
The Intelligencer Newspaper, Doylestown
The Courier Newspaper, Bucks County PA
The University of Pennsylvania Gazette Magazine Jan.Feb 2020 p85
Gwynned Mercy University’s Dr.. Carol Breslin’s Review.
Yale Professor of Film and Media Studies, Marc Labadula
The Northampton Library, Local Authors Event
The Feasterville Library, Author’s Night
Philadelphia Libraries, Titus Moolathara, M.A. Phil.M.S. Approval to place in all Philadelphia Prison Libraries.
Drexel University Campus Bookstore Management
Bucks County Community College Collection, Monica Kuna, Director.
University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt Collection Ms. Sam Kirk, Collections
Pearl S. Buck Literary Journal and blog

This book was published by Pearl S. Buck International PSBWC Press in 2019, Perkasie, PA
PSBWC Press will also be publishing BOOK II of TRACKS, and my novel, THE SUMMER WE ARE REMEMBERING.

I would like to present TRACKS to you and discuss the book, and future publications.
Thank you,

John A.McCabe, Author (TRACKS)

This is what I send to bookstores for example.

Please be convinced that my book will succeed in your market area. There is also a global market for TRACKS… and my other books..
The title and subtitle, helps buyers and readers to have immediate interest. The cover will produce sales, by catching the eye and curiosity of some of the thousands if not millions of urban dwellers and among them, Philadelphia area residents and city transplants who now live and visit other places.