A complete list of business improvement districts & small business associations for Port Richmond, Kensington, and Fishtown, Philadelphia.
Business Improvement Districts
A BID is a way for property and business owners to work together to improve a commercial area. Funded by a special assessment paid by property owners on the business corridor, BIDs offer services—litter removal, security cameras, lighting, marketing, signage, street furniture, or visitor assistance—beyond the scope of what the City of Philadelphia can provide.
Aramingo BID
125 Aramingo businesses meet monthly, supporting maintenance workers who pick up litter, and Safety Ambassadors who patrol the commercial corridor on bikes.
Fishtown District
After almost 2 years of planning and outreach, the Fishtown Kensington Area BID began work in January 2020. In 2022 it assumed management of the annual Kensington Derby & Arts Festival.
Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE)
PRIDE is the first urban industrial park in Pennsylvania.
Small Business Associations
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
The Chamber makes the Greater Philadelphia area a great place to do good business by fostering cooperation and growth.
Entrepreneurs’ Forum of Greater Philadelphia
A membership-based organization where Philadelphia 100 CEO winners and other growth-oriented leaders meet for meaningful connections, peer learning, and new opportunities.
Fishtown Co.
Fishtown Co. promotes the area’s long-term economic development by creating a thriving retail corridor that attracts both residents and visitors to a vast array of services, shops and dining—while preserving Fishtown’s rich history and diverse character.
Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Established in 1990 by a committed group of Hispanic business professionals to respond to various needs of the growing Hispanic business community.
Kensington & Allegheny Business Association
An organization of local business owners and managers working together to support local businesses and attract more customers to K&A.
Manufacturing Alliance of Philadelphia
MAP was created to give voice to issues affecting manufacturing companies here in the Philadelphia region.
Port Richmond Business Alliance (PRBA)
PRBA promotes a sustainable business environment in the Port Richmond community.
Richmond Corridor Association
Through a joint effort with Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) and Urban Industry Initiative (UII) the RCA was established to unite businesses and improve and secure the industrial area.
Sustainable Business Network
SBN envisions a future where businesses are investors in the quality of life for all citizens.
Young Professionals Council
YPC, a council of the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia, connects ambitious, visionary young people with a strong, diverse network of peers, mentors, and regional business and civic leaders.
Support Organizations
Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia
The Council invests in and connects the creative economy to the business community through programs that foster an immersive exchange.
Center City Proprietors Association
CCPA is dedicated to serving Philadelphia businesses by providing connections, insight, resources and community through a variety of programs and events.
City of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce
Making Philadelphia a business-friendly city where companies choose to start, stay, and grow.
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Through the program, participants gain practical skills in negotiation, marketing, and employee management that can immediately be put into action.
PA Department of Community and Economic Development
DCED acts as an advisor and advocate, providing strategic technical assistance, training, and financial resources—with a keen eye toward diversity and inclusiveness—to help Pennsylvania communities and industries flourish.
PECO Energy Economic & Business Development
PECO is committed to building partnerships with customers, vendors and suppliers.
Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program at Penn State
PennTAP is a statewide technical assistance organization charged with supporting Pennsylvania businesses and anchor institutions — including manufacturers, municipalities, educational institutions, entrepreneurs, and economic development agencies.
U.S. Small Business Administration
The SBA delivers millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
Urban Affairs Coalition
UAC unites government, business, neighborhoods, and individual initiative to improve the quality of life in the region, build wealth in urban communities, and solve emerging issues.
Urban Industry Initiative
UII is committed to creating and retaining manufacturing jobs in the Philadelphia region through a comprehensive strategy that strengthens businesses and builds relationships between manufacturers and their community.